Friends of Camp Mack, Inc.

Board of Directors

Eric Shea - President

Ben Wohlberg - Vice President

Derrick Bransby - Treasurer

Jim Castanzo - Secretary

Avery Ford

Bob Chaballa

Connie Guare

Gary Guare

Glenn Achey

Jason Davis

Jayme Shea

Jonathan Weiss

Logan Startoni

For over five decades, the J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation, known simply as Camp Mack, has been a place where Scouts of all ages develop skills and friendships that last a lifetime. Camp Mack’s fundamental goal has been to create a fun and exciting environment where everyone can learn and enjoy the outdoors.

Camp Mack is home to the Pennsylvania Dutch Council’s Summer Cub Scout Programs. Throughout the year, many District and Council scouting activities are held at the camp.

Recently, a group of Camp Mack supporters decided to form an organization to support this place so dear to our hearts. In late 2020, this group of individuals officially formed a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization named Friends of Camp Mack, Inc.

The objectives and purpose of Friends of Camp Mack is to:

If you would like to join our mission to preserve and maintain this special place, become a Friend of Camp Mack!